Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bus 409 Compensation Management free essay sample

This paper will examine setting the stage for strategic compensation and bases for pay. There are three main goals of compensation departments: internal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognition of individual contributions. Internally consistent compensation systems define the relative value of each job among all jobs within a company. (Martocchio, pg. 22, 2011) With this system companies want employees to be paid more based on their qualifications and responsibilities. They believe someone with less experience should be paid differently. To determine such evaluation companies use job analysis in order to provide job descriptions. The job evaluation is to determine pay according to a particular position. Market-competitive pay systems attract and retain the most qualified employees. (Martocchio, pg. 22, 2011) By obtaining a strategic analysis and compensation surveys companies can determine who is most beneficial to the company based on the results. Strategic analysis examines long term growth and outlines the company’s profile to keep them in the market. We will write a custom essay sample on Bus 409 Compensation Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Compensation surveys are collected and reviewed to determine different pay and which benefit packages are best needed. Compensation surveys are important because they enable compensation professionals to obtain realistic views of competitors’ pay practices. (Martocchio, pg. 22, 2011) Finally, recognizing individual contributions determines pay structures, pay grades, and pay ranges. The pay structures focuses on the difference in an employees’ contribution to company. With this structure it helps the company determine which employee has greater knowledge of the job their performing which leads to better pay. Companies with similar job groups use pay grades to determine compensation. Pay ranges start at the bottom and reach the maximum allowed depending on the job. The contextual influence that may pose the greatest challenge to companies’ competiveness is the government. The government has laws and executive orders put into place for employees who work within: military service, executive agencies, postal service, and library of congress, judicial and legislative branches. With laws into place, government employees are not a part of any group or provided representation, they must adhere to what is outlined for them to promote equal employment The contextual influence that may pose the least challenge to companies’ competiveness is labor unions. Many who work for a company with a union tend to join to seek additional job protection. Union leaders discuss important issues among employees such as, benefits, rights, job security, pay, and any other job related concerns. Unions determine goals, strategies, and implement policies and procedures in order to excel in performance. The main purpose of unions and management is to make sure they both focus on what’s important, which includes any upcoming issues from employees, new technology, and making sure they continue to stay competitive. Subjective performance evaluations might be more feasible than objective ratings based on errors of central tendency. Employers rate all employees on the same average. Such errors are most often committed when raters are forced to justify only extreme behavior with written explanations. (Martocchio, pg. 73, 2011) Many employers need different tools in order to complete a more detail evaluation, and the only times issues are addressed is when a problem occurs. Profit sharing plans pay a portion of company profits to employees, separate from base pay, cost-of-living adjustments, or permanent merit pay increases. Martocchio, pg. 96, 2011) The current profit sharing plan may not motivate employees even though, the plan provides cash to employees as part of their regular pay, and money received is taxed higher by the IRS. Some employees rely on the extra income every couple of months to help with expenses, but because of the high taxes attached to the income depending on what the actual amount would be may not be worth it at all. The purpose of most profit plans provides more financial flexibility to the company. Profit sharing plans may fail to motivate employees because they do not see a direct link between their efforts and corporate profits. Hourly employees may have trouble seeing the connection because their efforts appear to be several steps removed from the company’s performance, and because company profits vary from year to year, employees’ receive their earnings based off company profits. Employees will find it difficult to predict their earnings, which will affect their saving and buying behavior. Martocchio, pg. 97, 2011) Pay-for-knowledge plans reward managerial, service, or professional workers for successfully learning specific curricula. This program awards employees for the range, depth, and types of skills or knowledge they are capable of applying productively to their jobs. (Martocchio, pg. 104, 2011) Based on the pay-for-knowledge pay concepts, the three jobs for which this basis for pay is inappropriate are: bus drivers, cashiers, and janitorial services. Bus drivers are all paid around the same pay scale and the compensation may differ depending on how much experience they may have. There is no reward plan for this job mainly because they usually have the same route everyday and there is no training needed besides basic certification and obtaining the appropriate license. Cashiers are paid based of experience, and only receives raises determined by the company annually. Before they are hired the rate of pay is already set and no additional rewards are granted unless the company has a company- wide contest and all employees become involved. Janitors would also not fall into the category pay-for-knowledge because most companies group this position within a certain pay rage. Regardless, of the experience one may have there are not any additional rewards given out to janitors. Once hired, they follow a certain protocol in making sure they have taken care of the area assigned to them and there is no training provided for this position.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Wiesels Perils of Indifference for Holocaust Study

Wiesels Perils of Indifference for Holocaust Study At the end of the 20th-century, author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel delivered a speech titled   The Perils of Indifference  to a joint session of the United States Congress.   Wiesel was the Nobel-Peace Prize-winning author of the haunting memoir ​​Night, a slim memoir that traces his struggle for survival at the  Auschwitz/Buchenwald  work complex when he was a teenager. The book is often assigned to students in grades 7-12, and it is sometimes a cross-over between English and social studies or humanities classes. Secondary school educators who plan units on World War II and who want to include primary source materials on the Holocaust will appreciate the length of his speech. It is 1818 words  long and it can be read at the 8th-grade reading level. A  video  of Wiesel delivering the speechcan be found on the  American Rhetoric website. The video runs 21 minutes. When he delivered this speech, Wiesel had come before the U.S. Congress to thank the American soldiers and the American people for liberating the camps at the end of World War II. Wiesel had spent nine months in the Buchenwald/Aushwitcz complex. In a terrifying retell, he explains how his mother and sisters had been separated from him when they first arrived.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Eight short, simple words†¦ Men to the left! Women to the right!(27). Shortly after this separation, Wiesel concludes, these family members were killed in the gas chambers at the concentration camp. Yet Wiesel and his father survived starvation, disease, and the deprivation of spirit until shortly before liberation when his father eventually succumbed. At the conclusion of the memoir, Wiesel admits with guilt that at time of his fathers death, he felt relieved. Eventually, Wiesel felt compelled to testify against the Nazi regime, and he wrote the memoir to bear witness against the genocide which killed his family along with six million Jews.   The Perils of Indifference Speech In the speech, Wiesel focuses on one word in order to connect the concentration camp at  Auschwitz  with the  genocides of the late 20th Century. That one word is  indifference.  which is defined at  as  a lack of interest or concern.   Wiesel, however, defines indifference in more spiritual terms: Indifference, then, is not only a sin, it is a punishment. And this is one of the most important lessons of this outgoing centurys wide-ranging experiments in good and evil. This speech was delivered 54 years after he had been liberated by American forces. His gratitude to the American forces who liberated him is what opens the speech, but after the opening paragraph, Wiesel seriously admonishes Americans to do more to halt genocides all over the world. By not intervening on behalf of those victims of genocide, he states clearly, we are collectively indifferent to their suffering: Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred. Anger can at times be creative. One writes a great poem, a great symphony, one does something special for the sake of humanity because one is angry at the injustice that one witnesses. But indifference is never creative. In continuing to define his interpretation of indifference, Wiesel asks the audience to think beyond themselves: Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor never his victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten.   Wiesel then includes those populations of people who are victims, victims of political change, economic hardship, or natural disasters: The political prisoner in his cell, the hungry children, the homeless refugees not to respond to their plight, not to relieve their solitude by offering them a spark of hope is to exile them from human memory. And in denying their humanity we betray our own. Students are often asked what does the author mean, and in this paragraph, Wiesel spells out quite clearly how indifference to the suffering of others causes a betrayal of being human, of having the human qualities of kindness or benevolence.   Indifference means a rejection of an ability to take action and accept responsibility in the light of injustice. To be indifferent is to be inhuman. Literary Qualities Throughout the speech, Wiesel uses a variety of literary elements. There is the personification of indifference as a friend of the enemy or the metaphor about the Muselmanner  who he describes as being those who were ...  dead and did not know it. One of the most common literary devices Wiesel uses is the rhetorical question.  In  The Perils of Indifference, Wiesel asks a total of 26 questions, not to receive an answer form his audience, but to  emphasize a point or focus the audience’s attention on his argument. He asks  the listeners: Does it mean that we have learned from the past? Does it mean that society has changed? Has the human being become less indifferent and more human? Have we really learned from our experiences? Are we less insensitive to the plight of victims of ethnic cleansing and other forms of injustices in places near and far? Speaking at the conclusion of the 20th Century, Wiesel poses these rhetorical questions for students to consider in their century. Meets Academic Standards in English and Social Studies The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) demand that students read informational texts, but the framework does not require specific texts. Wiesel’s The Perils of Indifference contains the information and rhetorical devices that meet the text complexity criteria of the CCSS.   This speech also connects to the C3 Frameworks for Social Studies. While there are many different disciplinary lenses in these frameworks, the historical lens is particularly appropriate: D2.His.6.9-12. Analyze the ways in which the perspectives of those writing history shaped the history that they produced. Wiesels memoir Night centers on his experience in the concentration camp as both a record for history and a reflection on that experience. More specifically, Wiesel’s message is necessary if we want our students to confront the conflicts in this new 21st-century. Our students must be prepared to question as Wiesel does why â€Å"deportation, the terrorization of children and their parents be allowed anywhere in the world?   Conclusion Wiesel has made many literary contributions to helping others all over the world understand the Holocaust. He has written extensively in a wide variety of genres, but it is through his memoir Night and the words of this speech The Perils of Indifference   that students can best understand the critical importance of learning from the past. Wiesel has written about the Holocaust and delivered this speech so that we all, students, teachers, and citizens of the world, may never forget.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Correlation between surfing culture, spirituality, and religion Research Paper

Correlation between surfing culture, spirituality, and religion - Research Paper Example Correlation between surfing culture, spirituality, and religion However, it is also practices in some specific lakes and rivers. There is therefore a correlations surfing and spirituality. Most surfers also state that they get a moment to connect with the Creator when they are at the ocean. Normally, surfers have to wait until waves begin flowing. It is at this moment that they get a chance to observe and marvel at the nature surrounding them. They enjoy the flora and fauna at the ocean and get to understand that they are a supernatural being that actually controls all these. This is also a time for introspection amongst many surfers. They get to connect with their inner being, including their role in the world. To them, creature are more than physical things, but also spiritual. However, it is not possible to talk about surfing and spirituality without mentioning media. The three parts of social cultures cannot be separated from each other. It is the media, which actually propagates the activity of surfing as well as religion. For instance, ther e are various electronic and print media, which have been involved in covering surfing activity. However, it is difficult for the media to report the surfers’ spiritual experiences. However, as it shall be demonstrated in the following research, many surfers who are interviewed indicate that they actually experience connection with supernatural being. Research question: Is there a relationship between media, surfing, and spirituality? Hypothesis In this researcher, the main hypothesis is that surfing is more than just an activity for entertainment. It has been used to draw surfers closer to their gods, as well as being able to find meaning in their lives. Through surfing, individuals are able to appreciate the fact that there is a supernatural being, which created all the wonders observed in the ocean. The researcher works under the assumption that there is a relationship between media and spirituality. Purpose of the study The study was carried out with a view to establish a correlation between surfing culture, spirituality, and religion. The three are important social phenomenon, which are difficult to be separated from each other. Media however, exists to complement the two activities. It allows the rest of the community members to appreciate the role of surfing in promoting spirituality. For instance, a number of films have been used to show the beauty of surfing. Several magazines have been published providing information about surfing and the experiences that the surfers go through. However, this study seeks to establish whether the assertion that the three cultural phenomenon are actually related. Literature review A research conducted by Moore (2011) indicates a correlation between spirituality and surfing. She carried a research entitled, ‘spiritual experience, and environmentalism.’ She focused her study on the surfing activities and scuba divers in New Zealand. In total, she had about 74 surfers and about 83 scuba divers. Her mai n aim was to establish whether there was any correlation between these water activities and spirituality. She had used the random sampling method to acquire a representative sample. According to her study, there was a close relationship between the two social cultures. Surfing, which is normally regarded as a profane activity has the potential to turn people towards sacredness. In this study for instance, about 70% of the interviewed members indicated that they had experienced some spiritual

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Product Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Product Strategy - Essay Example Consequently, by incorporating the consumers’ requirements in the designs, quality and composition of its products, an organization is in a position to win over customer loyalty and attract new and potential customers. The customer’s role in the research and development of new products is essential. The significance it plays, as far as profits and sales are concerned is extensive. Many entrepreneurs believe that inventions and innovations normally improve sales. This is opposed to reliance on customers’ needs, where one customer’s demand differs from another customer’s demand. They believe that what can break this barrier are innovations and inventions and that through innovation, a new product is introduced into the market and bridges the different consumer demands, making such opposing needs to converge (Wahab, 2013). Their paradigm is, however, inaccurate because marketing as a strategy concept involves, first knowing the target market, then the needs, wants and demands of the customers. Without knowing consumers’ demands then it is a waste of time selling because a business can be selling an irrelevant product that the target market does not need. Pursuant to that is understanding the products and services on offer since this is what will retain customers’ needs or demands; without consumers then marketing ceases to outlive its usefulness. Last is offering high-quality products and ensuring consumer satisfaction based on how the product is sold (Howard, 2014). Mark Cohen, in his article in the New York Times titled: A Revolutionary Marketing Strategy: Answer Customers’ Question, paints a picture of how the proprietor of Riverpools and Spas, Marcus Sheridon, used his marketing prowess to move the company which was on the brink of collapse back to prosperity. Where Marcus abandoned conventional marketing for content marketing this paid

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Contributing Factors to Nurse Burnout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Contributing Factors to Nurse Burnout - Essay Example Nurses play a crucial role for the patients in hospitals. For that, they should be well motivated and avoid anything that can distract their attention and driving force for work resulting in burnout. The work associated factors involve nurses being overworked, especially in the case of those working in the emergency section. Most of them have no control over their job and they frequently find themselves working for long hours and at times they are forced to forego sleep. Their timetable is not regular and one cannot plan for another task after finishing his/her session.Some encounter complicated and new challenges that require them to improve their skills continuously especially on machines and technology. Their tasks are done in a specific place like within a hospital ward that can become monotonous. Additionally, clinicians are the ones normally recognized for successful treatment and not the nurse who manages the patient. The people related to the patient can sometimes expect too much from the nurse to save the life of the patient. In the case of misfortune, these can affect the nurses and mostly to perfectionists who are reluctant to delegate duties or ask for support.The human mind is created in such a way that it requires rest after work. This makes people take a rest and join their social groups away from their work environment.This can be limited by professions like nursing. Nurses should be involved in decision-making and their grievances taken critically.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Structure Of The Travel Tourism And Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

Structure Of The Travel Tourism And Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay The purposes for this essay are to present the structure of the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. Firstly, we need to know what the definition of tourism is. As the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), tourism is the activities of person travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes (World Tourism Organisation, 1993). Therefore, the tourist is a person who travels to another place outside of their normal place of residence at least 100 miles for more than 24 hours and less than 12 months. Travel and tourism does not necessary involve travelling abroad. It could be in domestic tourism such as peoples home country, on visits to attractions, city breaks, trips to business meetings, sports events or concerts, and visits to friends or relatives. According to Weaver Lawton (2002, p.3), tourism includes the businesses that provide goods and services wholly or mainly for tourist consumption such as restaurants and food/beverage services, and lodging. Hence, it linked to hospitality industry which including accommodations segments, food services segment and other hospitality operations segments. Structure of the travel, tourism and hospitality industry The travel, tourism and hospitality industry is one of the largest industries in the world. It includes many sectors that we need to go through each part of the industry on its own. The key sectors in the travel and tourism industry can be distributed into three different parts. They are public, private and voluntary sectors. Figure 1: Tourism industry Tourism industry The private sector The public sector The voluntary sector Tour operators Travel agents Accommodations Government NTOs NATA UFTAA IATA SHA Private sector The private sector is generated of commercial operators run or owned by individuals or companies such as travel insurance, travel press, travel marketing, private colleges, tour operators or travel agents, whose main purpose is to produce benefits from the facilities and goods, which they deliver to their consumers. In addition, these agencies play a very important role in the development of the travel and tourism industry. They are the components which communicate directly with customers. For instance, they arranged a group which understand the demands of visitors and advertise their packages at different tourist locations through interactive methods of communication such as distribute brochure or advertise in their websites. Accommodations are the basic needs in tourism industry which including hotels, resorts and timeshares or condominiums, conference centres, camp and park lodges, food and beverages. For example, resorts offer good services such as spa, massage, hot tub for customers who come to relax on holiday. They gain high benefits due to customers consumptions when they provide good services. Therefore, the private sectors are commercial businesses with the objective of making a profit for shareholders and owners. They run businesses at all levels of the distribution chain suppliers, wholesalers and retailers. Public sector Public sectors are major groups who decide on the strategy and leadership for the growth of the tourism sector. This is the government body which supporting the tourism industry. The role of this organisation is to work with the industry and provide the required amount of support. The services offered by the public sector are delivered to the public and paid through government. Public sector includes NTOs and RTOs (national regional tourist offices). It may also be suppliers, especially in transportation and visitor attractions. Most of the public services are non-profit-making. Voluntary sector Voluntary sector contains different bodies involved in the lobbying and being the force factors who work for the benefit of the tourism sector and the benefit of the respective associations they represent. They are namely National Parks Association, YHA (Youth Hostels Association), National Trust, ANTOR (Association of National Tourist Office Representatives), FTO (Federation of tour Operators), ATOC (Association of Train Operating Companies), Museums Association, UK Inbound Tourism, Tourism Concern and PSA (Passenger Shipping Association). Organizations of the voluntary sector are controlled and ran mainly by volunteers. These organizations are usually not making profit or contributively. This creates some financial benefits that may include reduced rates and VAT, income tax exemption for investments, covenants and bank deposits. Voluntary sector organisations that register as contributions have to satisfy specific terms. Their purposes must be charitable, non-profit-making, for the educations improvement or for other aims beneficial to the society. Horizontal integration According to Weaver Lawton (2002), horizontal integration takes place when firms reach a higher level of consolidation or control within their own sector. Horizontal integration is where an organisation owns two or more companies, on the same level of the buying chain. For example, EasyJet took over Go! in 2002. It was a case of one budget airline taking over another no-frills airline. Although the two companies became one, they could have retained their different brand names. In fact in this case, EasyJet rapidly re-branded all of Go!s planes with their own distinctive livery. Principal Figure 2: Horizontal integration Principal Tour operator Tour operator Travel agent Travel agent Vertical integration Vertical integration occurs when a company achieve greater control over elements of the product chain outside its own sector (Weaver Lawton, 2002). This integration can be forward in the direction of the chain, or backward against the direction of the chain. Forward vertical integration is more common. Company gains greater control over distribution. It helps them getting closer to the customer. For example, an airline sets up a subsidiary to distribute or market products to consumers such as buying-out a hotel chain or car rental operation. Figure 3: Forward vertical integration Tour operator Principal Travel agent Backward vertical integration is buying upward in the distribution chain. In contrast to forward vertical integration, company gains greater control over supplies using backward vertical integration. For instance, First Choice is a tour operator which also has an airline named First Choice Airways, or Thomas Cook Holidays setting up Thomas Cook Airways. Principal Figure 4: Backward vertical integration Tour operator Travel agent Key historical developments Socio-economic Leisure time: Tourism currently very popular and it is widely acknowledged as a global social phenomenon. In most advanced developed countries, the natural of society has now changed from an economy based on manufacturing and production to focus on the services and consumer industries. Simultaneously, the disposable income and the amount of leisure time and holiday in many countries increased in the post-war period. Therefore, employees have the opportunity to engage in the new forms of consumption such as tourism. Incomes/holiday taking: The income is produced from wages, profits and interest, has increased every year. The UK economy is one of the strongest in Europe, levels of disposable income and consumer credit are rising and expenditure on leisure is growing at around 6 per cent. Depend on that, employees life is improved. They can spend time to enjoy their life such as travel without worry too much about money. Most people today will have travelled abroad and expect to take at least one holiday a year. When tourists are willing to pay for travel, tourism industry will generate more profit. Car ownership: By the early 1900s the car was being used for public transport in most cities. But it wasnt until the 1950 when the car really took off. There were only 8,000 cars in the whole of Britain at the start of the 20th century. By the end of the century the car population had soared to 21 million. Car ownership statistics gives an indication of the level of personal mobility in a population (domestic, continental travel). In 1989 in Britain, each car was used for an average of 30 trips per week, which declined to 24 by 2006. The distance travelled by car per week slightly decreased. Car ownership in the UK has increased considerably in recent decades. It is not uncommon for a household owning two or more cars in nowadays. Technological Transportation is an essential need in the tourism sector. It is divided into different areas such as air, road, rail, sea. Transportation is a tool to assist travellers to get to where they want to go. Sea: Up until the 1920s the only way to travel abroad was by boat. It used to take days/weeks to travel abroad. Nowadays, ships are mainly used for ferries to mainland Europe and for cruises. Road: Road travel is the first method people used to travel. In the past, people used to travel by horses, camels,  or even humans carrying goods over dirt tracks that often followed game trails. The most famous road in the past is Silk Road. The start of the Silk Road was on 2nd century BC when Chinese ambassador Zhang Qian visited the countries of Central Asia with diplomatic mission. Thus, travel by road is the pioneer in tourism. Nowadays, road travel can be buses, private cars, bicycles, motorbike, etc. People using those transportations to travel are much faster than in the past. Rail: After sea and road, rail is the third method people use to travel. By the end of the 2nd world war (1940s) the rail network covered nearly every town and village. Japan is the country famous for mass and high-speed trains. Moreover, Japan has an impressive number of subway systems. Air: Travel by air is the latest and fastest transportation in the world. The first commercial flight from the UK was to Paris in 1919, but it was very expensive. In the 1970 the introduction of the Boeing 747 brought flying cost down dramatically and open doors to mass tourism. In our time, people can travel from one place to another place very convenience. For example, a flight from Singapore to Vietnam only need 4 hours including food and beverage in the plane, while traveling by sea needs days. As we can see, tourism cannot develop without technological. It is a part has a great contribution to the tourism industry. Business developments Airlines/air travel: Airlines or air travel play a very important role in the travel and tourism industry. Early forms of technology in the travel and tourism industry were systems which linked tour operators to travel agencies via terminals and allowed travel agents to make bookings through the system. Meanwhile, airlines developed computer reservation systems (CRS). Airlines started to use computers in the 1950s to store and change the huge amount of information they needed to access. The CRS was used internally by airlines, and agents would use the OAG publication to look up flight times etc., and then telephone the airline to make a booking. Tour operators: The role of tour operators is to put together all the different components that make up a holiday and sell them as packages to the consumer. They make contracts with hoteliers, airlines and other transport companies to put the package together. All the holiday details are incorporated into a brochure which is distributed either to travel agents or directly to customers. In simple terms, they organise and package different elements of the tourism experience, then offer the product for sale to the public through different mediums like leaflets, brochures, advertisements, etc. Travel agents: The role of travel agents is to give advice and information and sell and administer bookings for a number of tour operators. They also sell flights, ferry bookings, car hire, insurance and accommodation as separate products. Thus, they are distributors of products. Increasingly, travel agents also do a little tour operating, for example putting together a holiday for a group. Some industry professionals believe that the role of the travel agent is in decline as many people are booking their own holidays and travel on the Internet or by telephone directly to tour operators. Conclusion In conclusion, this assignment helps me know more about the structure of travel, tourism and hospitality and key historical developments of its industry. Hence, I will know how tourism and hospitality work. Briefly, tourism and hospitality industry is one of the largest industries in the world. It plays a very important role in the industry. There are many sectors which contribute and help to generate the tourism and hospitality industry. They are indispensable parts of the travel, tourism and hospitality industry.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Of Mice and Men “Which of the character in of mice and men is the loneliest and why?” Essay

â€Å"Of mice and men† is the title of John Steinbeck’s novella the name is inspired by Robert Burns’s poem. There was a belief that America was the land of opportunity. In the nineteen hundreds, there was great depression in America because there wasn’t enough money around, so people couldn’t get jobs with decent pay. Some people went around from farm to farm doing temporary work, they were called ranch workers. Due to this lack of money and jobs being temporary, people moved around so much they were unable to hold friendships, so some people became very anti social and others developed unusual characteristics. John Steinbeck was a writer who did travel around ranches and had an idea of what the ranch life was like I believe he wrote the novella not just to show people the lives lead in the great depression but also to give them an idea of what his personal experiences had been like. The two main characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† are George and Lennie. George is first introduced as being â€Å"small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features.† where as Lennie is described as being Georges opposite â€Å"his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders:† Lennie is very distinctive for his animal like qualities. During the play Of Mice and Men George and Lennie go round together unlike most others people in there time. Lennie has a mental disability where he forgets large amounts of the information he is given. This causes him to have to rely on his instincts. He possesses a child-like characteristic in the way he acts and responds to the feedback others give him. Lennie is a large, powerful man. He and George have a strong friendship and have known each other for a long time and don’t want to lose each other despite the friction that Lennie’s memory occasionally causes in conversations. George is a clever person and has a powerful friendship with Lennie. He finds that he is sometimes isolated from proper conversation when alone with Lennie because of his superior intellect and understanding. George has a need to look after Lennie like a parent due to Lennies mentality, he was asked by Lennies aunt to look after him when she died. I believe he uses this reason as a partial excuse to hide his attachment to Lennie as a friend and parental figure which he needs to feel moderately more secure than those around him who travel alone. Both Lennie and George need each other’s friendship and each other’s ability to survive; George provides Lennie with knowledge of what to do and how to survive whereas George has Lennie to protect him from physical attacks as they go around. They also share a hope to accomplish the â€Å"American dream† to go â€Å"‘An’ live of the fatta the lan'† as Lennie states which basically means is to live of the land or farm the crops. I feel that both characters have developed unusual characteristics to deal with the lack of people they can rely on and trust. Lennie has an unusual desire to pet anything that’s alive and show it affection. This attachment to his desire causes him to break the rules George sets him to help himself. I think this form of emotion is propelled by his desire to have happiness and be loved by something that lives. This is fairly ironic as every animal he pets he kills due to his strength, which in turn creates a void of loneliness in Lennies life. George does not appear to have any huge flaws, he is fairly untrusting as to why people do things and analyses everything he’s told. Apart from Lennie, he has no solace and even the trust between him and Lennie cannot give him too much support as Lennie is retarded and attempts to sneak animals around with him. Because they both have each other, they don’t feel like the loneliest people in the world. Is something George says to Lennie â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world† â€Å"With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.† Is what Lennie says after George has done his part of there story so all in all I don’t believe that either George or Lennie are the loneliest characters in Of Mice and Men because they have a friendship that no one else has and can talk between each other to an extent without worrying over consequences. The next person to be properly introduced into the novella is Candy, an old man who enters slowly into the room. Candy walks in and has his dog next to his heel an old sheep dog â€Å"gray of muzzle, and with pale, blind old eyes. The dog struggled lamely to the side of the room and lay down, grunting softly to himself and licking his grizzled, moth-eaten coat.† The dog is old and tired and hurts as it moves around; later on the dog is shot as it is of no use to anyone and is in pain whilst it’s alive. I feel the sheep dog reflects its owner’s future; as Candy grows older, he will be no use to any farm and will be kicked out and die due to his lack of money. I personally feel that the dog’s qualities are mentioned more than the man’s so that you see the man like his dog sharing a sort of bond similar to George and Lennies. Candy loses his dog the chapter after it is introduced. This dog is an animal that Candy has become extremely attached to and I believe he sees it as an old companion he can always trust to be there. When he looses his dog he looses his friend. Candy knows he is getting old and his fate in the novella seems sealed and he knows it. When he is of no use and cant do any labor work he will die. Which shows he must have lead a fairly lonely unfulfilled life even by that years standards. I consider Candy to be one of the people who could possibly be seen as the loneliest as he loses his companion and is sort of an image of how most ranch workers are doomed to end up dying due to loosing there abilities to work. He shows how desperate he is to escape his fate when joining with George and Lennie to try and get enough money to buy some land. The next character to be mentioned in â€Å"Of mice and Men† is Crooks he is a black person who is referred to as a nigger. He is disabled and outcast from the society of white people as racism was very strong in those years. He lives in a stable away from everyone else in the novella and has only books for company. The only one who ever enters his room without a purpose is Lennie and when he does Crooks starts off being uneasy about it when more people enter he pretends to be angry but it says â€Å"It was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger.† I think this suggests he is a decent guy who likes company but doesn’t want to appear weak to any of them. Crooks is taken advantage of by Curley’s wife a character who appears to everyone in the play to be trouble and not worth any of there time. She discriminates Crooks and has power over him because she is the bosses’ sons’ wife and they will believe anything she says about him and if that happens he will get kicked off the ranch. Of all of the people to be alone in this novella I believe Crooks is possibly one of the loneliest. Crooks has no one to be friends with, is discriminated against and shown prejudice and is also disabled so he cannot walk or get around easily. I think Crooks represents all people treated poorly because of racism and in a way how black people lived through the depression. The next person to enter into the novella is a woman whose name is never shown as she is always referred to as Curley’s wife, which shows that males are the dominant sex at the time the play is based on. Curley’s wife is the only woman within the entire novella she is a very complex woman and shows different people varied personality. She comes into the story flirting with the group of men she meets to tempt the men for attention and because she is bored. She wears makeup and has red lips and polished nails this suggests she has a lot of spare time. She is considered bad news by the men who are around her because she is the wife of Curley who is the son of the boss and can get anyone kicked off the farm. When alone with Lennie Curley’s wife confide in him about her life â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.†, â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes – all of them nice clothes like they wear† I think that Curley’s wife was tricked by a chat up line about the possibility of her being in the movies and is fairly naive about the fact he could have been lying. I believe that she thought she was running out of options and time and decided to be with someone who wasn’t doing to badly for themselves and went with Curley. I believe this was a bad idea because Curley doesn’t have any time to be with her except to make she is being loyal to him and whilst doing this makes everyone try to evade her so they don’t get into trouble with Curley. So Curley’s wife doesn’t receive much attention apart from when taunting the men. She knows she has power over one of the workers especially and threatens Crooks as she knows how easily she can get him into trouble so she uses this power to entertain herself and discriminates him. I think that Curley’s wife could be one of the loneliest in the novella as everyone deliberately tries to evade her. Anyone she stays around gets threatened by her husband that does not spend time with her so she is left alone and since there are no other women around on this farm she is alone and powerless. Curley enters the novella shortly after his wife has and demands someone tell him where she is. I think Curley is a very insecure and aggressive, ignorant person. He is insecure because he is short and uses his strength to fight people who are tall so as to show that he is strong and keep a powerful reputation this makes him aggressive so the people he works around don’t like him. I feel he is ignorant for various reasons he fights to prove he is strong but the only one he is proving this too is himself whilst doing this he scares everyone else away as whoever he does fight will get in trouble and risk loosing there job as he is the son of the boss. Curley I don’t think is one of the loneliest in the novella as he has a wife and a successful parent to look after him and keep him content in several ways, he has the power to get rid of people he does not like or work against them and he gets respect from his status. Of all of these main characters in the novella I consider Candy and Crooks to be the two loneliest Candy because of the fact he knows how he will soon be useless and the fact he looses his closest companion and Crooks because he is disabled and discriminated against yet seems happy to be around people. I think Crooks also because he is sort of an outcast from a community that is made up from people who are afraid of each other but still able to group up on him when he is around. Both of these characters know they have no future where they are and wont be able to secure anything before dying both there fates are sealed with them completely alone unlike all the others that’s why I chose them.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Unit Discussion

What learned from the writing assessment, that formal writing requires a firm foundation in English sentence construction, usage, and punctuation. I also learned that a scientific writing style also provides a tool that sharpens critical thinking about ideas and evaluation of conclusions.The research and writing strengths you identified for yourself. My strengths are definitely my grammar and vocabulary. I'm also pretty good at making a valid point. My ability to re-tell what was just read and predicts what may happen based on what has happened. The areas you identified as challenges. My biggest problem is figuring out how to write what am thinking. Have never been proficient at this task. It looks good to me when read it, but when I turn the paper over to someone else; they do not find the point was trying to convey.Typically, I have to verbally express the meaning of the paper to them. This is the area in which I would like excel this class. How you might address your challenges as you prepare for graduate learning. Communicate with experienced instructors, researchers and other learners in the classroom, to establish a strong foundation of academic excellence and high-value experience. In graduate programs, you'll find that each faculty member is enthusiastically accessible, passionate about coaching and teaching and committed to preparing you for the complex challenge of graduate school. Unit Discussion This week, you will engage in a discussion about managerial behavior and ways to bring about the highest standards of performance. Think about your personal attributes and how you can capitalize on those attributes In management responsibilities. The Washington Post article â€Å"Top Ten Management Mistakes† addresses some errors In judgment a manager can make. Go to the link below and read the article, then choose three of the mistakes and, using the information In Chapters 12 and 14, discuss strategies for correcting these mistakes in the health care setting.Also, respond to at least two classmates' posts. Http:// www. Liabilities. Com/top-10-management-mistakes/ 16570198-1. HTML#txzz1xnYZ2Pos 06/07/2014 HA 510-01 unit 4 Discussion Initial post Resisting Change While all ten adversely affect an organization, for me resettles change Is the biggest nemesis of healthcare management and the industry overall. Healthcare is one of the last true dinosaurs of the business industry.W hile rigorous attempts have been made to shape the healthcare landscape to reflect the financial challenges, business decisions, and how administrators interact with and set agendas for staff, the truth is, hose changes have been hotly contested by top level management, doctors, and even HER. So intense has been this resistance that the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) had to be voted in to legislation. Yes change is the biggest nemesis of management and every other sector of the US Healthcare System.Showing Favoritism Showing favoritism or the appearance of such is my next highest problem. Just as I discussed in the unit 2 forum there is a contrasting difference between being too socially involved with staff or developing what could be considered â€Å"special legislations† with the professional decorum can be a deterrent to the management process with regard to those who are not considered to be In that connective position of social propriety and can damage a managers overa ll credibility with staff (All Business. Com, 2014).Keep a neutral social interaction approach and appearance. Believing You Have All the Answers Beveling you have all of the answers as a manager Is a sure way to disintegrate the communication process and Impair team cohesion. Nobody Likes working with a â€Å"know it all† or a person who doesn't acknowledge that their approach is not the only encourages others to make a contribution in the decision-making and strategy implementation process; which in turn increases the confidence that whatever the finally course of action that is chosen it will be successfully executed.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Probable cause of bipolar disorder

Probable cause of bipolar disorder Free Online Research Papers In the last few years, doctors find the probable cause of bipolar disorder is an inherited lack of stability in nerve impulse transmission in the brain. This biochemical brain problem causes people with bipolar disorder to be more susceptible to physical and emotional stresses. Researchers have found several genes that could be linked to the disorder. This may explain why bipolar disorder seems to run in families. Bipolar itself means two poles as it is characterized by mood swings. The manic episode begins with increased energy, creativity, and social ease that can easily go into uncontrollable anger, agitation, and feelings of being irritable. The other side of the pole, depression, is a lack of energy, feeling sad, worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. These mood swings are totally unrelated to things going on in the person’s life. Bipolar disorder affects close to 1% of the population of the United States. As many as one-fifth of the 3 million people in the United States who develop bipolar disorder eventually find the emotional ride intolerable and kill themselves (Bower 232). Suicide is, in fact, the second major cause of death worldwide in women between the ages of 15 and 44. Almost all of these suicides are connected to mental illness, and most mental illnesses are treatable (Jamison 80).People with bipolar disorder experience depressive episodes consisting of sadness, low energy, worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts alternating with manic episodes of euphoria,inflated self-esteem, and high energy levels. This disorder with its mood swings can permanently disable people, and without treatment, one out of five commit suicide. Many people with bipolar disorder are very intelligent, creative, and talented. With this creativity comes madness, they are very emotionally sensitive; they lack confidence in themsel ves and their relationships, and in the working world. Many have learned to overcome the madness and manage the disorder; they are successful artist, actors, poets, writers, and college graduates. Their success is due to drug therapy, psychotherapy, and behavior management. Once a person understands the causes and symptoms of the illness itself, they will be able to take control of their treatment and learn to manage it. Most doctors believe that bipolar disorder is primarily biological rather than psychological. A number of genes have been identified that may be related to the disorder. Bipolar disorder seems to run in families. Dr. John Nurnberger, a recognized authority and researcher on the disorder stated, If a first-degree relative is affected with bipolar illness, one’s risk is 25 percent, as compared with about 7 percent in the general population. For a child with two affected parents, it’s 50 percent. If one’s identical twin is affected, the risk is about 65% (Post†¦ 271). If you have a number of relatives with the bipolar disorder or depression, the chance may be greater. There is no one proven cause of bipolar disorder. Medical research is trying to find a connection between the illness and chemical deficits with the brain cells. It suggests that bipolar disorder is most likely an inherited problem somehow related to a lack of stability in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain due to chemical deficits. Serotonin is the most common believed deficit, two others are norephinephrine and dopamine. This biochemical imbalance makes those with bipolar disorder more susceptible to physical and emotional stress. If there is some kind of trauma, lack of sleep, substance use, or some other over stimulation, the normal brain function for restoring calm don’t always work right. Additionally, medical conditions such as strokes, hyperthyroidism, encephalitis, seizure disorders, and tumors can bring about the mania associated with bipolar disorder. Certain drugs may have the same effect (Bipolar†¦ 2). Both magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomographic scans show structural abnormalities called hyperintensities, referred to as unidentified bright objects (UBOs), in the brains of many manic-depressives (Leutwyler 47). It is only a matter of time before researchers know more. Researchers know chemical deficiencies in the brain cause certain types of physical symptoms and that is why they feel it is related to the symptoms of bipolar disorder .Bipolar disorder is identified by highs and lows in moods. There are actually four different types of mood episodes namely manic, hypomanic, depression, and mixed. Each episode has its own distinct set of symptoms. Mania (manic episode) can start out with the person feeling energetic, creative, and socially at ease, but can quickly escalate into anger, agitation, and aggression. During the manic stage a person may have trouble functioning in a normal way. Usually at least four of the following symptoms are present: Feeling euphoric (high) or dysphoric irritable).Requiring very little sleep yet having large amounts of energy.Thoughts racing through your mind.Talking so rapidly that others can’t follow what you are saying.Your mind is distracted and jumping from thought to thought. Delusions of grandeur (feeling powerful and important).Doing reckless things without worrying or being concerned about the consequences, such as spending too much money or inappropriate sexual activity. There may also be psychotic symptoms such as delusions believing things that aren’t true) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there. Hypomania is similar to mania but with less severe symptoms. It is characterized as feeling better than usual, elevated mood, and feeling productive. Many people with bipolar disorder like this feeling and sometimes will even quit taking their medication just to attain it. Hypomania doesn’t last and soon they are either become manic or crash into depression. Depression has the following symptoms that can last for at least two weeks and can interfere with functioning. The symptoms are feeling blue, sad, or losing interest in things you normally enjoy. Having at least four of the following symptoms is another sigh of depression: Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, Eating too much or too little, Having trouble making decisions or concentrating, Feeling slowed down or feeling too agitated to sit still, Having low self-esteem or feeling worthless, Loss of energy or feeling tired all the time, Thoughts of suicide or death, There may also be hallucinations or delusions. Mixed episodes can be the most disabling of all. This episode has both symptoms of mania and depression at the same time or alternating back and forth during the day. A person may feel excitable and agitated as in mania, but also feel depressed and irritable. Mixed episodes are more common in women, and the causes do make sense.Three possible gender differences in the course of bipolar disorder have been suggested. (1) The prevalence of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is higher among bipolar women than among bipolar men. (2) Bipolar women may be at a higher risk for depressive episodes, and at a lower risk for manic episodes, than bipolar men. (3) Bipolar women may be more likely than bipolar men to have mixed, as opposed to pure, mania (Leibenluft 6). These differences may be caused by the hypothyroidism, which is more common in women and gonadal steroids (hormones and menstrual cycles). Also there is a high chance of depression during the postpartum period. Since women have a higher chance of depression, then some rapid cycling and mixed states could be due to the medications treating the depression.The symptoms of the different types of episodes help the doctor to diagnose what type of bipolar disorder a person has. There are four types, and they are bipolar type I, bipolar type II, rapid cycling, and schizoaffective. Bipolar type I is characterized by manic or mixed episodes and usually depressions. You can be diagnosed bipolar I even after just one manic episode. It is very likely you will have depressive episodes in the future as well as more mania, if left untreated. Bipolar type II is characterized as hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes only. This type is very hard to diagnose as you avoid getting into trouble, are very happy and have a lot of energy. Most of the time you have depression and are treated with only an anti-depressant, causing the medication to trigger mania or set off more frequent cycles. Rapid cycling bipolar disorder occurs when you have at least four episodes per year. This can be any combination of manic, hypomanic, depressive or mixed. This course pattern is seen in approximately 5-15% of patients with bipolar disorder(Kahn 82). One cause maybe from taking anti-depressants, which can trigger mania, followed by a crash back to depression. This causes a continual roller coaster of ups and downs. Schizoaffective disorder is a condition that overlaps bipolar disorder. In bipolar disorder psychotic symptoms may occur during a severe manic or depressive episode but disappear as after the episode. With schizoaffective disorder, the psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions persist even when the mood symptoms are under control. Dual diagnosis occurs when you have bipolar disorder and another mental disorder such as an addiction (substance abuse), personality disorders, attention deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. Having one or more additional disorders makes diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder more difficult. Substance abuse history lowers the chances of remission from acute mania. Patients with bipolar disorder with histories of substance abuse were most likely males not taking their medications and having suicidal ideations. Patients with mixed mania were more likely than those with pure mania to abuse alcohol, hallucinogens, amphetamines/stimulants, or sedative/hypnotics. Bipolar disorder can be treated in a combination of ways. There is medication for the acute manic episode and preventative treatment, psychotherapy, behavior modification and electroshock therapy. According to psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison who also struggles with bipolar disorder, Lithium (one of the most used medications)†¦makes psychotherapy possible†¦but ineffably, psychotherapy heals (Bower 233). This means to me that medication and psychotherapy go hand in hand. The two most important medications used to control the symptoms of bipolar disorder are mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Other medications that may be prescribed are sleepaids, anti-anxieties, or anti-psychotic medications.For acute manic, hypomanic, mixed episodes, and occasionally depression, mood stabilizers are used. In the United States the most commonly used mood stabilizers are Lithium, Valproate (Depakote), and Carbamazepine (Tegretol). Lithium is used for patients with more euphoric moods, Depakote or Tegretol if your mood is mixed or irritable or rapid cycling. Depakote and Tegretol are anti-epileptic medications that work on calming the brain. Researchers aren’t sure how Lithium works. Lithium is eliminated by the kidney and the primary elimination route for the older anti-epileptic agents (Depakote and Tegretol) is liver metabolism (Lam 1). Blood tests are performed to determine the correct dosage and also to watch for any problems with liver function with the use of Depakote and thyroid function with the use of Lithium. Each person reacts differently to the medications, so if one does not work for you or if there are side effects that don’t subside, your doctor can suggest another. A newer mood stabilizer that is being used is Neurontin. Neurontin does not need to be followed by blood tests, has very few side effects, and is virtually impossible to overdose on. Depression is treated with anti-depressants, but they are usually used with a mood stabilizer. An anti-depressant without a mood stabilizer can cause you to go into a manic episode. Some of the most common anti-depressants are Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, and Effexor. Most of these medications increase the re-uptake of serotonin, a needed chemical in the brain. Anti-depressants can take several weeks to start working, so sometimes your doctor may order something to help you with agitation, anxiety or sleep in the meantime. Even though the first drug given to you usually works, it is common to go through several anti-depressants before finding the one that works best for you. No matter what the drug, treatment for bipolar disorder is no easy thing. Patients often have difficulty accepting what is essentially a permanent change in their lifestyles. They also may resent ending or limiting manic episodes, since they regard them as wonderful periods of positive energy rather than as symptoms. These beliefs may be so strong that patients refuse to take their medication (Bipolar†¦ 3).Stopping one medications will eventually cause them to drop into the depths of depression or go over the edge in mania. As many as one-fifth of the estimated three million people in the United States who develop bipolar disorder eventually find the emotional ride intolerable and kill themselves†¦Repeated forays into both mania and depression, however, lay waste to marriages, friendships, and other social ties (Bower 233). If medications are not working fast enough for one , A persons doctor may recommend ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). For psychotic depression it is most often the most safest and effective treatment. It is also used for medication resistant depressions. It is has improved over the years and is very safe. Medications are the most important treatment in bipolar disorder, but in order to heal the damage done during the depression and mania, psychotherapy must come into play. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is one method that works as well as medication in acute cases of depressions, but not so well on chronic depression.† the depressed individual can be taught to substitute positive thoughts for negative thoughts in response to cues that trigger symptoms of depression. (Sundel 225). Negative cognitions beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, or emotions can be the most common symptoms of depression. CBT works best if you are willing to work at it. Because CBT emphasizes the acquisition of emotional problem-solving skills, it is quite labour-intensive and requires that patients possess insight, motivation, and the capacity to concentrate. This may limit its applicability to a more heterogeneous bipolar population(Zaretsy 494). The most dangerous self-treatment a person can do is not staying on their medications. Several others are sleep deprivation and St. John’s Wort. Sleep deprivation and disruptions in sleep can be very dangerous to a person with bipolar disorder. According to Dr. Ellen Frank, professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Western psychiatric Institute and Clinic, For reasons we have yet to learn, people with bipolar disorder seem to have more delicate internal clock mechanisms (Sleep†¦ 1). Caution must be used with sleep deprivation therapy, because manic episodes often follow the end of a depressive episode. Extensive literature indicates that sleep deprivation can precipitate an antidepressant response in depressed patients, and a manic episode in bipolar patients (Leibenluft 9). According to Kay Redfield Jamison, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who is has bipolar disorder, The incidence among creative people is 10 to 20 times greater than that of the general population (Lewis 1). And several recent studies, including Jamison’s own survey of 47 British writers and artists, support her hypothesis that creative individuals are especially subject to mood disorders and suicide (Even†¦ 22). Jamison’s work suggests that periods of creative productivity are preceded by an elevated mood. It is as if certain types of moods open up thought, allowing for greater creativity (Neihart 49). One article written in Harvard Business Review stated In our consulting experience during the last decade, we have found manic depressive executives at the top of some of the most successful U.S. companies as chairmen, CEOs, and senior VPs. They are also represented among the ranks of the United States’ most brilliant entrepreneurs. They are risk takers. They build empires. And they often become wealthy. High political office has always attracted its share of manic-depressive leaders, including Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln (Lieblich 4). This disorder did not stop them from attaining success in their lives. Their treatment is the basically the same as ours medication and therapy and yet they succeed. Bipolar disorder can be a very disabling illness caused by an inherited chemical imbalance of the brain. The extreme mood swings between mania and depression can interrupt a person’s life and their immediate family’s life. The mania or depression of bipolar disorder is treatable once stabilized with medications. Individual therapy, group therapy and behavior modification can also be helpful in maintaining stability in this disorder. Five things one must do daily that can help them to maintain and remain stable in this disorder are: taking their medication, get six to eight hours of sleep, eat three meals per day, drink plenty of fluids, and exercise. Many people with bipolar disorder are creative artist, actors and writers. Along with this creativity and genius there is madness, yet they find away to manage their disorder. Bipolar Disorder: A Treatable Illness. Psychopharmacology Update 5 #11 (Nov 94): 2-4 Bower, Bruce. Pushing the Mood Swings. Science News 157 #15 (Apr 2000): 232-234 Even Geniuses Get the Blues. Civilization 2 #3 (May/June 95): 22-23 Jamison, Kay Redfield. A World Apart. Newsweek Special Edition (Spring/Summer99): 79-80 Kahn, David A., Ruth Ross, A. John Rush, and Susan Panico. Expert Consensus Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 57 #12A (1996) Lam, Y.W. Francis. Gabapentin, Lithium Coadministration May Alter Drug Clearance. Psychopharmacology Update 10 #8 (Aug 99): 1-2 Leibenluft, Ellen. Women and Bipolar Disorder: An Update. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 64 #1(Winter2000): 5-18 Leutwyler, Kristin. Coming Through Madness. Scientific American 273 #5 (Nov 95): 44-47 Lewis, Ricki. Evening out the Ups and Downs of Manic Depressive Illness. FDA Consumer (June 1996) Lieblich, Julia – Harvard Business Review. Managing a Manic Depressive. Harvard Business Review (May1994): 20 Neihart, Maureen. Creativity, The Arts, and Madness. Roeper Review 21 #1 (Sep 98): 47-51 Post Update the Genetics of Bipolar Disorder. Saturday Evening Post 271 (Jan 99) Prior Substance Abuse May Hinder Treatment For Bipolar Disorder. Outcomes Accountability Alert 5 #2 (Feb 2000): 5-6 Sleep Loss Can Trigger Mania. Reuters Sundel, Martin and Sandra S. Cognitive Restructuring Behavior Change in the Human Services fourth edition(l999): 225 Wetzel, Mary C. Strengths and Limits: Report by a Bipolar/Unipolar Self-Help Group. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 14 #4 (Apr 91): 81-86 Zaretsy, Ari E., Zindel V. Segal, and Michael Gemar. Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Depression: A Pilot Study. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 44 #5 (Jun 99): 491-494 Research Papers on Probable cause of bipolar disorderThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Deconstruction of The Shawshank Redemption essays

Deconstruction of The Shawshank Redemption essays This essay will discuss and deconstruct the technical aspect of the film The Shawshank Redemption the escape scene. It will look in detail at how the Director (Frank Darabont) used sound, editing and lighting to create an effective story. This essay will deconstruct the narrative of the film and give the understanding of how the technical aspects of the scene are important. Andy Dufresne, a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically after he was found guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. A movie is controlled by ideologies and techniques that make an impact in almost every aspect of the narrative. The film has three main techniques and concepts that make an immediate impact: the walls, lighting, and water. The Shawshank Redemption is a 142 min long film made in the year 1994. It is a crime/drama film directed by Frank Darabont and is written by Stephen King. It includes well-known actors such as Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman and Bob Gunton so that it reaches a mass audience in order to recover their money back and make profit out of the film. Dufresne escapes from the Shawshank Prison and tricked the warden by covering the hole, which he escaped from with a poster. This demonstrates a powerful message to the audience between the power of the mind against the power of authority, as well as showing a power change between inmate and the warden. The entire scene is gray or a dark shade, from the uniforms to the building itself. The director used different lights to express the characters statuses in the scene e.g. dark shade denote the evil side to the wardens personality, which is portrayed to the audience. This shows hopelessness for the inmates who suffer from the unfair hands of the guards on a daily basis. Darabont did not use any music in this scene; instead he used a diegetic sound so that the audience may focus properly on the prisoners and further exp...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Analyzing and Comparing the Mise-en-scene of David O'Russel's Three Essay

Analyzing and Comparing the Mise-en-scene of David O'Russel's Three Kings to Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan - Essay Example David O’Russell knew the power of setting a story during the time of war, thus he came up with the most finely tuned, eccentrically conventional film Three Kings. Both Saving Private Ryan and Three Kings have effectively shown war in a resolute way that serves similar aims but achieves this in different manners. O’Russell’s Three Kings clearly uses the narrative device of an ethical story to relate the Gulf War’s moral lessons as well as to rewrite America’s ethical position over the people of Iraq through revising what was viewed as a moral defeat. The film tells a narrative of a gang of four U.S fighters on operations at the Gulf at the end of the dispute as they find out a map to one of the secrete bunkers of Saddam Hussein, containing huge amounts of Kuwait gold, and plan to steal it for their own gains. On the other hand, Steven Spielberg has been criticized for failing to employ narrative action basing on the moral and national purpose in his film Saving Private Ryan. This criticism can be understood in the perspective of the constraints placed on modern cinematic stories of war by the Vietnam syndrome (Andersen 193). Even though Three Kings is developed around a definitely American-based fictional plot, this film typically aims to bring in issues concerning Iraq and addresses it to a certain extent as the film develops. On the other hand, Saving Private Ryan tries to reillusion American national distinctiveness in the wake of Vietnam by presenting a more distant past. The specific ethical justification for starting war and admitting its sacrifices and horrors is found in ethical campaigns against the Nazi plot of Holocaust. Through stitching the Holocaust into the movie, the film takes part in ‘Americanization’ of a memory of Holocaust, avoids Vietnam as a source of distressing memory, produces a redemptive national uniqueness, and constructs a moral usable past in the present. In both films, the use of ima gery has been clearly utilized. Saving Private Ryan starts and ends with a shot of a flag that is faded and desaturated of color. The red colors have turned to pink, white to gray, and the blue colors have lost their color completely. The flag is transparent, moving forth and back in the centre of a cool dusk as the sunlight penetrates straight through it. The reason behind this is that the flag symbolizes a lost time and a fading generation. The American elites who fought to keep such banners were gone and the film was developed for their sake. Such features show that Saving Private Ryan may be the greatest film ever produced about horror and heroism in war situations. It shows how heroic conduct can be unusually difficult, impulsive, lucky, instinctive, and deliberate, all at once. In contrast, Three Kings had mixed receptions on its release. In general, reviews involved praise for technical elements of the film as well as criticism of the way the Gulf War was presented. In the Wa shington Post, Stephen Hunter claimed the style of the film had the feeling second to none, as it re-imagines the past war movie post-modernly. He further concludes that the film was ideologically unremarkable. Similarly, Three Kings uses some sort of imagery in the storyline. At the start of the scene, a discussion goes on between Major Gates and his Staff Sergeant, standing near a helicopter. The image of a helicopter was used as an icon in this film, though not frequently used outside the scene (Andersen 194). At the beginning, when a shot cuts through, it is obvious that the positioning of the characters is to enable the blade to remain at the heart of the screen, right between the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Legalizing marijuana for recreational use Speech or Presentation

Legalizing marijuana for recreational use - Speech or Presentation Example This can be put into a few basic facts. Both Washington’s Initiative 502 and Colorado’s Amendment 64 which legalized cannabis for people aged 21 and above, proposed a relatively heavy taxation on the drug. They called for a 25 percent tax rate to be imposed on the product three times; from grower to processor, from processor to retailer, and from retailer to customer, (Smith 1). While it is not clear the amount of revenue this would raise, estimates for this measure are out at about $500 million. According to a study carried out by the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, about 13 percent of people in Colorado use the substance. This translates to about half a million people. By legalizing this retail market, the regulation could raise about $46 million in combined local and state revenue between excise and sale taxes. In California, a similar measure in 2010 known as Proposition 19 was estimated to earn $352 million in tax revenue annually, (Smith 1). This revenue can go to a state fund where it can fund the construction of schools. Besides raising revenue, marijuana is used for medical purposes. It is commonly referred to as medical marijuana. According to Stone (1), marijuana has long been utilized in treating ailments that are associated with inflammation and pain. It is also used to relieve symptoms that are related to chronic illnesses such as cancer. For example, for many decades, cannabis has been used to treat glaucoma. It usually lowers the intraocular pressure when treating glaucoma symptoms, and is more effective when smoked, ingested, inhaled, or administered intravenously. Also, the National Cancer Institute (1) recognizes cannabis and its components as a treatment for individuals with cancer-related symptoms. Besides these, medical marijuana has been associated with the treatment of AIDS, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, anxiety, and chronic pain. The legalization of marijuana could also significantly cut down on crime. On one hand, it i s illegal. On the other hand, the people demand and want to use it. This provides room for a middleman who carries out the illicit trade, and hence crime. Therefore, legalizing marijuana would mean that drug cartels will lose business, there will be less crime in borders since there is no need for trafficking, and crime will ultimately reduce in the streets and in the country. According to former Seattle police chief Stamper (1), this will free up police resources that can be focused on tackling other crimes such as robberies, burglaries, and sexual assaults. However, there needs to be guidelines that control the use of marijuana. These should be in form of legislations. One such legislation made in the California is the Medical Marijuana Regulation, Control and Taxation Act, which stipulates the guidelines for the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Other guidelines should include the amount of cannabis that a person can be in possession at any one time, or the number of mariju ana plants that one can plant at his or her backyard. These political guidelines need to be clearly set, implemented, and enacted. Without such guidelines, there would be a total mess with students even â€Å"puffing† on the school corridors just like cigarettes. Therefore, it means that once marijuana is legalized, society has to deal with it. Many opponents to the legalization claim that it draws the path to drug usage in the society. According to Citizens Against the Legalization of