Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Gllance At Information And Communication Technology Essay Example for Free

A Gllance At Information And Communication Technology Essay Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important tool in all aspects of life. With the development of technology, the introduction of ICT as a tool has essentially brought tremendous revolution to the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance during the past decades. Consequently, the importance of ICT project management cannot be overemphasized since it is the catalyst for successfully carrying out the ICT project. A critical research on the factors influencing the performance of ICT has been conducted as well as the introduction of different evaluation models or frameworks, which are used determine if an ICT project is successfully implemented. The last but not the least, a conclusion and a recommendation are given to prove that the potential values and benefits will be brought by elaborately analyzing those related factors before implementation and regularly evaluation on the ICT project. Table of content Introduction Recently, the role of Information and communication technology (ICT) has become more and more important in any forms of organizations and businesses. According to Daniels (2002) ICT has evolved to be one of the basic tool but pervasive among the public within such a short time. Besides, understanding the operational mechanism of ICT and mastering the fundamental skills and concepts of ICT are regarded as the basic knowledge that people now should equip with. However, it seems that many people have the wrong perceptions of what ICTs are; it’s commonly that ICTs generally be referred to ‘computers and computing related activities’ before the definition of ICT officially clarified by a United Nations report (1999). Also, according to UNESCO ICT could be understood in the way that which is the combination of ‘Informatics technology’ with other related technology, such as communication technology in particular. In other words, ICT is a more extended than information technology (IT), ICT not only emphasizes the technology itself, but also highlights the unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers; furthermore, by using these products such as the enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, users will be able to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. Now, we can find the radio broadcasts, audio conferencing, teleconferencing, email, interactive voice response system, audiocassettes and CD ROMs etc., are vari ous kinds of ICT products available, and those ICT products have been used for different purposes in our daily life, work environment, or common business practices. There are more and more people become aware of the benefits and efficiency brought by the ICT. With that in mind, people are starting paying more attentions on the ICT management issues, such as how to better manage ICT projects, what are those key factors determining the performance of ICT project, or how to adequately evaluate the performance of ICT project. Discussion Just as the other project management is, there are various success/failure factors related to the ICT project management. Here we discuss the roles of attitudes and the alignment between ICT and business, which are regarded as two of the most important key factors in ICT project management. A corresponding literature review is also preformed in order to better understand the background. The Roles of Attitudes Based on recent researches on the acceptance and use of ICT project, and related ICT design and development, ICT only brings values to the organization if it is accepted, applied and widely applied by those targeted users. From one of the research (Zhang, P. 2007), the author mentioned two different theories, which the inconformity between these two theories lays in the concepts behind and effects behavioral intention. The theories mentioned are Attitude toward ICT as an object (ATO) and Attitude toward using ICT as a behavior (ATB). By definition, ATO is â€Å"a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor† (Eagly et al. 1998) or, as a combination of evaluative judgments about an object (Crites et al. 1994), while ATB is defined as â€Å"an individual’s positive or negative feelings (evaluative affect) about performing the target behavior.† (Fishbein et al. 1975) And the conceptual confusions whether attitudes play important role in the context of ICT project acceptance and use has been clarified, and there is an interesting evidence showing that the roles of attitudes can change as the users’ use of the ICT increases. The Alignment between business and ICT The literature related to the information and communication technology (ICT) demonstrated that alignment between ICT and business will influence the business performance and effectiveness of the organization in a positive way. (Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., Vandenbulcke, J 2006) Furthermore, the alignment of business and ICT of an organization is one of the fundamental sustainable factors, which can also be an advantage for an organization. In that case, the organizations should consider establishing specific ICT management routines in order to obtain better alignment performance scores. Since the role of ICT cannot be underestimated, more and more people want to know whether the ICT really brings values, whether the ICT substantially improved the efficiency, or whether the ICT works as expected. Based on the research, there are several more comprehensive ICT management capability maturity framework developed, such as the ICT management capability maturity framework and ICT Per formance Reference Model. The differences between these two frameworks or models are the focus and the content. ICT management capability maturity framework The framework is a ‘spider diagram’, which includes seven indicators: ICT Applications, Business-ICT relationship, ICT strategy alignment, ICT user profile, ICT managerial paradigm, ICT governance and ICT organization. Before applying the ICT management capability maturity framework, the users should firstly define the critical processes of their ICT management for each indicator. For each indicator, there are specific process-orientated evaluation standards, and the users should make judgments for each standard to see whether it fits to the organization’s characters, needs, and specific industry. For each applied standard, there are different dimensionalities to assess the maturity of capability. The key function of this framework is to be used as an evaluating tool and a improvement roadmaps that can point out directions for the senior management on ICT and business management in strategies planning in order to sustainably improve, develop, and manage the ICT capability in support of optimized business value delivery. From this capability maturity framework, we can clearly see the ICT management capability maturity of an organization as well as its improvement footprint. At the same time, with the use of such framework, the organization can be evaluated on its overall ICT management capability, the comparison analysis between different organizations can be conducted, and even the industrial benchmark can als o be made to see the ranking of the organization in the certain industry. ICT Performance Reference Model ICT Performance Reference Model is a model using the reference model principles in the area of ICT management. For better understanding of the meaning of reference model, here the definition of the reference model that â€Å"Reference model contains relevant structures and relationships among the model elements (process structures, levels, document structures) and also the predefined knowledge (best practice examples) already included in these structures.† is used. ICT Performance Reference Model combines the strengths of mathematical and data modeling techniques for its structure and knowledge management principles for its content; namely, it represents the best practices and knowledge in the formalized model structure, and therefore allows easier knowledge replication. The framework of ICT Performance Reference Model includes ICT Management Process, ICT Performance management Methodologies, ICT Performance Measurement Processes, ICT Performance Measures and ICT Performance m anagement Tools and Applications. The performance of ICT project is then be evaluated through these dimensions. With the implication of ICT Performance Reference Model, it would be easier to address ICT management related issues including application functionality overlap, technology and knowledge heterogeneity, and constantly changing business pressures. Conclusion From the discussion part, we can see that there are different success/failure factors relate to the Information and Communication Technology project management. Each factor cannot be left out from consideration whenever applying an ICT project, namely, the importance of each factor cannot be overestimated, or there would possibly result in an unpleasant outcome. On the other hand, it is also necessary to have the ICT project to be reviewed, or assessed the related management capability maturity periodically. With the regular evaluation, the organization will have better understanding about the current state of the implementation of ICT project, the acceptance level of related personnel, the operation results compared to expected results, and the continuing alignment with organization’s strategies. Recommendations As we all know that the management of ICT in the enterprise has been increasing in importance and nowadays it is one of the critical success factors of any type of business. In order to ensure sustainable growing of an organization, the use of ICT cannot be avoidable. After the careful research, I recommend the organization should look into every success/failure factors corresponding with the ICT project before implementation, which will largely reduce the risk of carrying out a project and ending in nothing. At the same time, with careful elaboration on each success/failure factors, the organization will have better understanding of its status quo, its strengths and weakness, which can be a great headstone for the design and implementation of the ICT project. In addition to the prior-art research, the ongoing assessment is also important for an ICT project management. In that case, the organization should choose adequate evaluation model or framework with some customized changes in order to fit into the needs of the organization. By doing the regular inspection, the organization can notice the wrong behavior in time and make certain modifications accordingly. Without such safeguard monitor mechanism, it may be too late when the organization realizes the mistakes happening. References Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Pà ¶ppelbuß, D. W. I. J. (2009). Developing maturity models for IT management. Business Information Systems Engineering, 1(3), 213-222. Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., Vandenbulcke, J. (2006, January). An empirical study on business/ICT alignment in European organisations. InSystem Sciences, 2006. HICSS06. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on (Vol. 8, pp. 195a-195a). IEEE. Donnellan, B., Sheridan, C., Curry, E. (2011). A capability maturity framework for sustainable information and communication technology. IT professional, 13(1), 33-40. Novotnà ½, O. (2009). ICT performance reference model in the context of corporate performance management systems. IDIMT-2009 System and Humans–A complex Relationship. Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, 13-16. Silvius, A. G. (2009, April). Business and IT Alignment: What We Know and What We Dont Know. In Information Management and Engineering, 2009. ICIME09. International Conference on (pp. 558-563). IEEE. Zhang, P., Aikman, S. (2007). Attitudes in ICT acceptance and use. In Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Design and Usability (pp. 1021-1030). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Computers in the Classroom :: Technology Education Learning Essays

Computers in the Classroom Education has recently become a major media topic, drawing daily headlines in newspapers across the country. One issue on this topic is the recent rush to increase technology in the schools. This frequently is referred to as educational technology. Educational technology is defined as " the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of process and resources for learning" (Ely 2000). The thought of incorporating technology into the classroom is an idea occurring only thorough the 20th century. This concept evolved during and immediately following WWII, when technology began to increase and became available for individual use. The originators of increased technology in the classroom focused on the use of audiovisual media, such as TV and video clips. Today when we say educational technology we most frequently refer to the use of computers in the classroom or similar electronic devices. There are many positive aspects of having computers present in the classroom and used as a tool throughout the learning process, especially in math and science. This is a relatively new idea, considering computer use has increased dramatically over the past 10 years. Few deny that students do not require computer access in school, however some individuals feel this ultimately will negatively affect schools and students. I however am not one of those individuals. I feel computer technology can positively affect many areas of education. In this paper I will cover the areas of computer impact on constructivism, possible assessment processes of the future, and technology use with at-risk students. With increasing standards across the country, many students are falling behind their peers. These students are considered "at-risk" for academic failure. In the past, these students were educated through tracking at a lower level, by narrowing specific circulla, rigid instructional procedure, and pullout programs. However, recent studies show that by "not challenging at-risk students or encouraging them to use complex thinking skills schools underestimate the students’ capabilities (Means 1997). Consequently not providing them with the best education possible. Many students that are at-risk have difficulty with subject matter because it is irrelevant, uninteresting, or too abstract for them to absorb, ultimately the students do not try in school and eventually fail out. Well it sounds like an easy solution then; make the lessons relevant to the student’s life.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Data Analysis Essay

The first paper I analyzed was the pre-assessment questionnaire. I read through each question and answer and checked how many answers the students got correct. The student scored 3 out of the 6 questions correct. Given that this lesson was complied of all new learning materials (according o the teacher) I felt that the student did pretty well.The questions were multiple choice so even if the student guessed on the answers the student had a 1 in 3 shot Of doing so. The student got the easier questions correct such as ‘What is a compass rose? † and the â€Å"What is this a picture of? † questions. After analyzing the pre-assessment, I moved on to the post-assessment. This would demonstrate evidence of student learning since this was given at the end of the lesson.The Students scored 3 points which is the highest score you could get on this assessment. This means that the student followed all three of the directions correctly. The student created a map of the classroo m using the supplies given (colored pencils, card stock and a ruler), created a legend explaining what the symbols signified, and drew a compass rose on the map. This students post-assessment demonstrated evidence that he/she clearly understood the lesson objective.The student knew what a legend was and how to incorporate symbols onto a map by using one and was able to correctly draw a compass rose. The student obviously grasped the concept of the activity since he/she did so well on the assessment. Feel that the proof lies in both the pre and post assessment scores. The student went from not knowing a lot of information regarding maps to creating a map of the classroom complete with a functional legend and an accurate depiction of a compass rose.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Death Denied - 863 Words

Winston Churchill once said, â€Å"I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.† Winston Churchill was a funny man, but he has summed up what the majority of the western culture views about death and meeting your maker. The idea of meeting a â€Å"maker† hasn’t always been the most popular of views on death though. Throughout centuries, globally, humans have been changing their views on the idea of death: what it is and where it takes them. As technologies and cultures change, so do the ideas of death along with it. â€Å"Up until around the sixteenth century death was thought to occur when heartbeat and breathing stopped†(Chapter 55). With increasing knowledge about the body and its†¦show more content†¦Homer helped change this idea of death as a journey by explaining â€Å"dreams and death were part of one’s life and were considered as a gift from the Gods†(Katsouda 31). The idea of death as sleep lasted for almost 2000 years. The philosopher Socrates added on to Homer’s rendition of death by believing that death â€Å"has no sensation for the deceased, resembling sleep with no dreams, or transforms and transacts the soul to another better place†(Katsouda 31). The stoics belief then comes into play by stating that death is the separation of the soul from the body. This view was influenced by the Christian religion which is still influential to this day. Our current views on death have been just add-ons from more and more views about death. â€Å"Phillipe Aries has described five dominant patterns of death in contemporary western societies. They are tame death, death of the self, remote and imminent death, death of the other and the invisible death or death denied†(Chapter 56). People who know that they are dying and are not in denial of that fact are experiencing a â€Å"tame death†. â€Å"those dying in hospices and pa lliative care units are more likely to have a tame death†(Chapter 56). Those who frantically worry about what happens after they die and are faced with eternal judgment are usually experiencing the â€Å"death of self.† The â€Å"death of self† typically includes a reflection of allShow MoreRelatedDementia Patients Denied Rights1622 Words   |  7 Pages Dementia Patients’ Denied Rights: Voluntarily Stopping Eating And Drinking Adrienne Heasty County College of Morris â€Æ' The healthcare system places emphasis on involving patients in their plan care throughout the disease or healing process. Nurses and other members of the healthcare team are responsible to ensure that the competent patient has the right to refuse any medical treatment. 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